What is TERM?

What is TERM?

Teachers have a task to help students prepare for the VUCA World. Teachers need to work towards integrating subject teaching with 21st Century Skills and English skills across subjects, which is also defined in the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020).

Teachers must be equipped with this new method of integrated teaching focusing on future-readiness.

To answer this need, Zamit and QAI, UK, have developed the world’s first AI-driven, technology-enabled, research-based ZQ Dimensions for Teachers to help analyse Teaching Excellence and Relevance Management (TERM) and provide them with practical tips and resources to help their students become future ready.
Post the analysis; the teacher will get access to content that will help them further improve and build upon their ZQ Scores. The resources include:
  1. Blogs and Articles
  2. Latest news and events
  3. Videos and Audios
  4. Classroom activities and other teaching resources
  5. Opportunity to participate in International Research and many others.
Continuous engagement on Zamit for about an hour each week can help teachers remain on top of their professional graph. A Zamit Teacher also gets opportunities to:
  1. Participate in Symposia
  2. Participate in Webinars and Workshops
  3. Access the Zamit Teacher Resource Vault
  4. Participate in Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes with certification and more.

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